Erasmus (Xipre): 2a Jornada, visita cultural.

La primera part del dia ha estat pel sud-oest de Xipre prop de Ayia Napa, al Centre Medioambiental de Cavo Greco. Els centres educatius xipriotes el visiten i realitzen diferents activitats per conèixer la flora i fauna de la zona, així com espècies endèmiques i protegides. Hem pogut experimentar una de les activitats que proposen als estudiants: recerca i identificació de flora i fauna al terreny.
A continuació hem visitat les coves de Cavo Greco amb vaixell. El bon temps ens ha acompanyat en tot moment i ens ha permès gaudir d’aquest espectacle natural.
També hem visitat el Museu Thalassa, té com a tema la mar. Vol presentar als habitants i visitants de la zona l’important impacte de la mar a la història de l’illa.
A la tornada hem fet una aturada al parc d’escultures inaugurat l’any 2014 amb 17 escultures creades “in situ” per grecs i xipriotes. Aquest parc a l’actualitat està format per més de 200 escultures de 140 escultors de tot el món a un terrenys de 20.000 metres d’arbusts i roques. El seu principal objectiu és promoure l’art i la cultura, recerca de joves talents i de renom per expressar els seus sentiments i creativitat a la societat.

2nd Erasmus day in Cyprus. Cultural visit.
The first part of the day was in the south-west of the island towards Ayia Napa, at the Cavo Greko Environmental Center. Cypriot educational centers usually visit and carry out different activities to learn about the flora and fauna of the area, including endemic and protected species. We could experience one of the activities that the students are proposed: researching and identification of flora and fauna in situ.
Afterwards we visited the caves of Cavo Greko on a boat. The weather was nice all day long and it was really nice to enjoy this natural experience.
We have also visited the Museum Thalassa, whose topic was The Sea. These artworks try to present to the inhabitants and visitors the importance of the sea on the history of the island.
On our way back to Nicosia we had a quick stop at a park with beautiful sculptures inaugurated in 2014 with 17 escultures created “in situ” by Greek and Cypriot artists. This park is up to date with more than 200 sculptures by 140 sculptors from all over the world on a 20,000 square meter ground with plenty of bushes and rocks. Its main objective is to promote art and culture, finding out young talents and also achieving some reputation to express their feelings and creativity to society.