Avui divendres ha estat el darrer dia de la nostra estada a l’Istituto Comprensivo Carlo Urbani”. Primerament, les coordinadores ens hem reunit per concretar detalls de la propera visita, que serà el mes de maig a Mallorca, al CEIP Mestre Pere Garau. Mentrestant, na Maria Joana i en Cesar han retornat a les nostres aules per posar en comú i avaluar les sessions que hem realitzat aquests dies.
A la sala d’actes hem pogut gaudir d’una actuació de música i dansa per part de l’alumnat, amb balls regionals, i interpretació de cançons típiques italianes. Ha estat un moment força emotiu veure com tots els nostres països cantàvem plegats en germanor aquestes cançons.
Per a promoure la difusió del projecte, s’ha inaugurat d’una màquina dispensadora d’aigua, estalviadora i sostenible. Estam segurs que mestres i alumnes en faran un bon ús, a la vegada que milloram el medi ambient.
Per acabar, s’ha fet entrega dels certificats d’assistència, on cada mestre ha pogut expressar el que ha representat aquesta setmana educativa i cultural, plena de vivències i aprenentatges.
English translation.
Today, Friday, was the last day of our stay at the “Istituto Comprensivo Carlo Urbani. First, the coordinators have met to specify details of the next visit, which will be in May in Mallorca, at the CEIP Mestre Pere Garau. In the meantime, Maria Joana and Cesar have returned to the classrooms to share and evaluate the sessions they have taught these days.
In the auditorium we were able to enjoy a performance of music and dance by the students, with regional dances, and interpretation of typical Italian songs. It was a very emotional moment to see how all our countries sang these songs together in brotherhood.
To promote the dissemination of the project, a water-saving and sustainable machine has been inaugurated. We are sure that teachers and students will make good use of it, while improving the environment.
Finally, the certificates of attendance were handed out and each teacher was able to express what this educational and cultural week, full of experiences and learning, has represented to all of us.